Hinduism ~ India Famous Places


Hinduism is the oldest religion living in the world today.It is the faith over four-fifths of the people of India as also the faith of people of Nepal and Bali(Indonesia) and of millions and millions of Indians who have migrated overseas.There are besides many ancient cultures as in south east Asia which have been greatly influenced by the hindu cultural ethos.

Philosophic thinkers don to like to describe Hinduism as a mere religion as such a description does not bring out adequately its catholicity of outlook and free thinking.Even an atheist is not precluded from being a Hindu and no hell nor dooms day envisioned for the agnostic.So often said that Hinduism is a way of life,a culture and not just a religion.Hinduism is not based on any single book nor on on the words of any single teacher or prophet.It is based on the eternal truth.It therefore called Sanatana Dharma or the Eternal religion as truth is always eternal.

Hinduism is a faith which has very less dos and donts postulated,its unique feature being that it permits the greatest freedom of worship.It insists that each person must be guided by his or her own individual spiritual search and experience,and does not accept dictatorship in religious guidance.Another rare quality is its unique tolerance of others’ religions faiths as it believes that true conversion should be vertical ,from lower to higher spiritual plane and not horizontal from one religious faith to another,as all religions have the same goal and none are superior or inferior.

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