The Three Paths ~ India Famous Places

The Three Paths

Hinduism accepts that there are varying intellectual and spiritual levels in different people and offers different spiritual paths for attaining the bhrama.The easiest path chosen by the majority is the path devotional worship or also called as Bhakti Yoga.Th this,the devotee chooses a form of god in one of his manifestations and reaches him through love and devotion.Prayers,rituals,observance of festivals are all part of early stages of devotion.In its higher form,the devotee is not bound by any rules of surrender to his chosen deity is the hall mark of this devotion.

The second path to reach god is through the path of action.This is chosen by men and women for whom selfless service in their professions is the goal and work is their form of worship.Action without attachment to the material fruits of one’s actions is the highest goal of this path.

The third path,the most difficult and therefore the one chosen by very few, s the path of knowledge or wisdom.It is not mere knowledge but spiritual enlightenment which is achieved through the intuitive intellect in its sublime and evolved form.

Hindu scriptures point out that rites,rituals and pilgrimages to holy palces are not the aim of the religion but only the first and lowest step.The second step is the worship of god through symbols such as images or icons.The third step is mental worship by meditation,concentration and comtemplation.The highest step is that where the spiritual enlightenment realizes the universal spirit.

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