Samsara ~ India Famous Places


The fundamental belief of Hinduism which has affected all the religions born in India,is the concept of rebirth,the theory of rein carnation or transmigration of the soul.This cycle of birth,death and rebirth is called Samsara.This theory explains the great inequalities of life that exist in the world.A great and just god could not create one happy child born of loving parents,another born improvished or blind.such inequalities are the result of man’s own actions in previous birth and not of god’s whims.

After enjoying the results of good deeds and paying for the bad deeds of one’s previous life,the soul leaves this body and goes to the next.Just as a man changes worn out garments and wears new one,so does the soul leave one body and move on to another.Every soul goes through this cycle of births and deaths till it reaches perfection in earthly life when it attains moksha oe liberation.The soul then becomes one with the bramha,the universal spirit and is not born again.

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