February March Festivals & Holidays
One of the most colourful and exuberant of Hindu festivals,holi announces the advent of spring. The season of fun,romance and gaiety.As the legend goes,Holi symbolises the burning of Holika, sister of demon king Hiranyakashyapu.Born fires are lit to symbolise this destruction and announce the end of harsh and cold winters.Holi is also associated with the divine krishna spraying clours on the gopis of brindavan.People go from house to house smearing Gulaal or coloured powder on ther freinds' faces.Coloured water is psrayed on all and sundry with miniature pichakaris pumps.Don't wear good clothes on this day and be ready to duck is the advice given to most of the people.
Dedicated to the great Lord Shiva - The third deity of the Hindu Trinity.The pious keep awake and fast,chanting prayers in his name.Usually there are colourful fairs and bazaars( markets) near the temples in the daytime.
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