In 1947,on British leaving India,the Indian sub continent was divided creating two nations India(or Bharat) and the Islamic state of Pakistan.Inspite of the fact that over 84% population in the divided India consisted of hindus,due to the broad minded leadership of that time and the tolerance of Hindu population,India opted for secularism as the keystone of constitution,providing freedom of worship for all.It is one of the very few secular nations in all of the west and south asia,most others being theocratic states.The Indian constitution guarantees the equality of all religions and faiths and the rights of minorities to conserve their culture.Also
although the country was partitioned to create a home for muslims in Pakistan,today India has more muslims than Pakistan and it is the third largest muslim population in the world.
The population of India consists of Hindus,Muslims,Christains,Sikhs,Buddhists,Jains and small groups of several other religions(like Zoroastrians,Jews,Bahais etc) each of which is discussed below separately:
There are,besides,several other religions which have their own origins outside the country,a brief mention of their advent into India is given below:Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Sikhism Zoroastrianism Bahai Faith
Judaism Christanity Islam