Music has been an essential part of the Indian culture and religion as it is considered a means to reach God-head.The earliest scriptures of the hindus,the Vedas, were musically chanted.The fourth Veda,the Sama Veda was fully set to music placing great emphasis on musical notation and sound.As these Vedas were learnt by wrote by the word of mouth,the science of sound and acoustics and of musical chanting reached high standards of perfection even as far back as 3500 years ago.The Vedas of the Hindus and the Zend Avesta of the Zoroastrians were the earliest known instances in the world of words to set music.The earliest musical octave was accuratlet divided into 22 quarter tomes.
Many of the India musical instruments we see today trace their origin to an ancient past such as the stringed instruments like the Vina,wind instruments such as the flute and different types of drums.Today at a concert in the North,one could listen to a Sitar,Srod,Flute or shenai being palyed and in the south to the Vina,Violin, Nadaswaram or Flute(besides of course vocal music). Percussion instruments are there in plenty,but the commonly used ones are the Tabla and sometimes the Pakhawaj in the north and the Mridangam and Ghatam (mud pot) in the south.
There are two main styles in Indian music,the northern or hindutani school which has had a lot of interaction with the Persian system of music,and southern or Carnatic school of music.Although visitors from abroad find Indian classical music sometimes difficult to comprehend,tourists should attend a musical performance for the experience.There are records of Indian classical and folk music available at music stores which can be purchased and taken back.Folk music with its emphasis on rhythm,would be easier for the tourist to appreciate.